22 October 2007

Days Flying By

OK i realise i haven't posted anything in a little while, this does not mean that nothing's been going on in fact it's quite the opposite. We're now in week three of the production with thumbnails in the bag as well as an animation test (Video coming soon) and a reworked texture, model and rig.
However most of my time these first few weeks has been taken up with getting the production side of things up to speed. I've been doing schedules, writing contracts, talking through the narrative and generally convincing people that i know what I'm doing.
Also i hate to say it but I've started keeping a detailed Journal for the year so this blog is coming in second, but surely you just want the fun stuff right? not whining about render times and people not meeting deadlines, you just want videos and pictures and Witty comments. If that's what you want this is the place to be.
Hopefully new video and images of work from other projects going up in the next few days, and blockout will be appearing shortly.
Watch this space not myspace!


metalhead said...

aww, I want to hear about all the non fun stuff that happens. It sounds fun :-D

metalhead said...

Oh and Yay, I'm on the list now :-D