28 October 2007
Week Four, Who Stopped The Clocks?
25 October 2007
Am i on Graphics again...
Firstly there was kyles logo for his film which is now called Rusty Petal, he'd drawn the basic logo on paper and scanned it in but wanted a clean version from illustrator. I obviously said yes as kyle doesn't ask just anyone for help. After i set to work it became clear that he type wouldn't work as it was drawn the main problem being the mix of UPPER and lower case. Or possibly i just enjoi playing with type a little too much so following his theme which is organic meets mechanic, i found a soft type face that looked similar to the way it was drawn. Next i added some of the nicer curves by deconstructing the lines and building them up. At this point I'd reached kyles look but thought i could take it further to echo the themes of the film so i started breaking things apart again and adding sharp edges too. Then i traced kyles logo using a mixture of the pen and pencil tool. the finished piece is on the right.
Once I'd finished Kyle's Ash approached me as he was having trouble coming up with a logo for the coffee shop/name of his film Cafe de Beignet. i looked at what he was going for and quickly drew a design he liked, he took it to the group and they liked it too. So i set to work again this time felling a little freer to experiment. we ended up simplifying the original design to just half a doughnut with the Cafe name and some crumbs, and i had another satisfied customer.
Now hopefully I'll get back to the blockout on my film.
I'll keep you posted
Animation Test
The Robot evolution

From left to right we have the first of the box models created for my showreel: boxy hands, no legs, texture straight from BrickBoy models.
Middle is the mock rig to test animation with legs and bendy arms, and also has the subdivided hands, Texture is still pretty much as found with some adaptations for the new pieces.
On the right is the new and improved Yellow Robot Leader with a whole new Illustrator texture created by me and modelled again from scratch using my 'who needs to UV map technique', in my opinion he's looking pretty nice with good proportions an hopefully enabling some cool animation.
**There were also two other stages but i couldn't fit them in the pic, i may have to put up my original with bevelled edges just to see how i started out on the wrong track. And Yellow 'mob Boss' Robot may appear at some time too**
22 October 2007
Days Flying By
However most of my time these first few weeks has been taken up with getting the production side of things up to speed. I've been doing schedules, writing contracts, talking through the narrative and generally convincing people that i know what I'm doing.
Also i hate to say it but I've started keeping a detailed Journal for the year so this blog is coming in second, but surely you just want the fun stuff right? not whining about render times and people not meeting deadlines, you just want videos and pictures and Witty comments. If that's what you want this is the place to be.
Hopefully new video and images of work from other projects going up in the next few days, and blockout will be appearing shortly.
Watch this space not myspace!
21 October 2007
Week Three, It's a magic week
Lots of getting the schedule well and truly in place this week. Things got a little off track as I spent a couple of days working on textures for Caspar to take into Flash for 2D tests. But I now have the finished texture and model for the robot leader so it was all productive anyway.Had some very positive feedback about the story, I guess our tutors really like the use of a giant octopus in modern film.
14 October 2007
Week Two In Review. The Poetry’s for free
This week I finished up the script and story after learning how to use CelTX to keep things organised. My thumbnails are now all done too ready to progress. I also managed to re-rig the robot character from last year to give Ash for animation tests.Producer role kicked in as I wrote up contracts and put our first schedule together for the whole year, lets just say we’re gonna be busy.
12 October 2007
Style is a killer...

This is the first fully realised character from the film. He's called Science Guy or SciGuy, as you can probably see he has more points of articulation, which will hopefully mean the characters are more animatable. He's my favourite character from the Less Than Jake universe.

06/07 Showreel
This is my second year showreel, it has elements from an Urban Environments project, 1 Week Vehicle Modelling, aswell as some higher polygon characters and some of the early stages of development for There's a war in Wunderland. Great music from Guitar Hero 2 aswell!!
Just a test to see how this posting videos works, already had a tussle with Google video hopefully this will be better.
There's a War in Wunderland Outline Story
Here's a quick run down of the story i pitched to the group:
- Start with the opening scene in a dimly lit room which has an open box on the floor with light shining out of it
- We meet the main character at work in an office, at the moment I generally refer to him as Red Monkey.
- It becomes obvious that robots are also a part of society in this land as we meet them working alongside Red in the same office.
- Red Monkey recieves a mysterious message to meet someone outside and to go alone.
- He does so and is given a mission to do. After seeing what’s being asked of him he appears to be unsure.
- The next thing we see is Red riding up the street in a tank.
- And then we see why as the robots are massing in the streets behind a leader.
- Red fires a missile into the robots and they appear to retreat. This is kind of the shot that will make or break the film as the robots begin to run they’ll unfold and appear to float away in the air.
- But this is only to mass into the form of one Mega-Robot.
- All appears over until the Wunderland army come to back up Red.
- They drive the robot back towards a bay, where he climbs onto a bridge and begins to fight back by throwing cars. Based on San Francisco.
- We then meet the Navy who turn up to finish off the giant robot . . . essentially the Navy is a Giant Octopus in a helmet, which drags Mega-Robot to the murky depths.
10 October 2007
New Look
Right now lets learn how to get some video on this thing . . .
Show reel up soon